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Hermit Road 4:23 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
I can understand Noble going off as the ref had to send him off if he committed another foul. I absolutely cannot understand swapping him for Cole.

dicksie3 4:25 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
Anyone who knows their onions shares the view that if either LARD ARSE Nolan or CARTHORSE Cole are on the pitch; you're effectively playing with ten men... Or nine men, if they happen to be on the same pitch at the same time...

CARTHORSE'S mobility and work-rate to chase balls are an absolute fucking joke...

The BOW-LEGGED, GRANNY-HIPPED CUNT then got himself injured just moments after coming onto the field today and forced us into making another change...

What an asset this wanker is to our club... Fuck my old fucking cunt boots...

Hermit Road 4:27 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
The thing is that Cole and Jarvis were neither attacking or defensive subs. They shouldn't have been on the pitch.

stirlinghammer 4:27 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
noble taken off at 68 mins,,,, at that stage we looked like scoring another few goals, truly battering them all over the park. the system must have been working eh sam? so why the complete change in the system? downing was never going to win the ball in nobles role and cole & jarvis should truly be embarrased for their contributions.

as below, any one of his kids could have played alongside song and kouyate.

Re: strange substitutions
Kouyate and Song(again shocking for me) left totally exposed when Noble was taken off and that in a nutshell is what lost us the game

Sophisticated and Tactical that fat cunt aint but all credit to Sakho, Kouyate, Noble and Cresswell today great hard working,tackling performances. back to our best Line up and bring on Palace i say

JohnnyL 4:32 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
I can understand taking Noble off but why bring on Cole. I am not a fan of Nolan but surely if he is used at all, it should be as a sub.

Hammer and Pickle 4:32 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
Noble was playing his heart out in an 11 he clearly wants to be part of.

The side is 2 nil up at fucking WHL but he's on a booking. So the manager hauls him off in the 70th minute and replaces him with a player who everyone considers a joke.

Noble must understand this is an attempt by the manager to break his spirit as that manager cannot bring himself to admit that Noble is right and he is wrong.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 4:32 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
I know this is a cunt's thread because below someone has implied that Valencia is a better defensive option and tackler than Jarvis and nobody has batted an eyelid.

joey5000 4:32 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
Nobes off for Carlton has to be up there with the most stupid decisions the fat cunt has made... In a long line of shit decisions. Our midfield base of Nobes, Song and Kouyate is the best we have and if you're gonna break it up when you're winning away, you don't bring on a 'striker' (he can barely count as a footballer). Terrible decision which ultimately cost us and put a dampner on an excellent performance.

stirlinghammer 4:33 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
agreed hammer - noble must feel great knowing bfs does not trust him.

Hammer and Pickle 4:34 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
That's because Valencia is a better tackler and defensive option than Jarvis you bellend.

Billy Blagg 4:34 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
"Noble's on a booking"? No he was bloody lucky to be on the pitch and Allardyce was right to take him off. Cole was a surprise but I thought everyone here wanted BFS to play attacking football?

The Kronic 4:36 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions

Billy Blagg 4:34

Attacking football with Carlton Cole? HAHAHAHAHAHA
How long did it take for the carthorse to collapse and die for the billionth time anyway?

ATBOG 4:36 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
pundits/media/football frat types have been praising us for how we've been playing this season when the truth is we've been gradually getting worse since Nov/dec with the exception of the ManU performance. The obvious reason is that carroll & nolan have been re-introduced. Over the last week or so the pundits/media/ football frats have started to question the animosity of West Ham fans towards walrus and asked why, with some of them drawing the conclusion that it's the nolan situation. Since it's been raised nolan has been hauled off the pitch at west brom and didn't get on today, arguably when he deserved to. Shows how easily swayed allardyce is by those he considers his peers, almost to the point that he stubbornly tries to prove a point by not playing him. Still, if he as any good as a manager he would've stuck Jarvis on the right for Noble and kept the team balanced, as this is Jarvis's natural position as a right footer.

stirlinghammer 4:37 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
blagg - agreed noble was lucky to survive with that second tackle. however, are you suggesting because he got away with it, that he should have been taken off becuase he would have done the same again? he is not a joey barton is he? we would have seen out the last 22 mins imo with noble on the pitch.

playing with cole left us with 10 men anyway.

terry-h 4:39 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
The answer to someone asking earlier about Poyet is that he was fit for today's match. The fact that he couldn't find a place on the bench filled with players like O'Brien,Nolan,Demel,Jarvis and Cole is mystifying.

:^) 4:40 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
Noble was lucky to be on after that tackle, maybe a bit odd to bring on a striker but it was to keep the same shape. It could have been Nolan, but probably wouldn't have made much difference to how we played.

Nothing strange about the subs really, but it does show that the squad is pretty poor other than the starting 11, which most people would probably have agreed before the game looking at our bench.

daveyg 4:41 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
I think taking off Noble was the right thing to do. But bringing on Cole for him was stupid.
If Noble had been sent off, Allardcye would of been murdered on here.
Collins,O'Brien or Nolan out of the crap choices he had would of all been better.

gph 4:42 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
If Noble is so in control of himself, why did he put in the tackle which could have easily given him his second yellow?

It's as certain as anything can be with current reffing standards that he was one more misjudged tackle away from an early bath.

toadinthehole 4:42 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
he should never be trusted to make substitutions again

ornchurch ammer 4:42 Sun Feb 22
Re: strange substitutions
Noble had to come off. It is so easy to give away a free kick with the amount of diving that goes on. One more and he would have walked.

Accept that Noble coming off was the correct thing, the problem was his replacement.

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